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Post  ThatAwesomeGuy Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:13 am

I was thinking of an idea. If we need donations. Then we could try and shut down the server for a scheduled amount of time and then everyone would go and advertise! Like that time we did for forum posts. So reply back what you think.

Aantal berichten : 109
Registratiedatum : 2013-02-24
Leeftijd : 25

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Post  Freek Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:35 am

i dont think alot of people know where to advertise+ i am wondering if they will do it

Aantal berichten : 144
Registratiedatum : 2012-12-16

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Advertisement. Freek must read! Empty Well give them an idea.

Post  ThatAwesomeGuy Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:48 am

Well if they don't then there isn't much you can do about it, but there are always going to people that do. Even if 20 people get out there and post a minimum of 2 posts each that's 40 more advertisements than before. Just sit on it. Get back to me.

Aantal berichten : 109
Registratiedatum : 2013-02-24
Leeftijd : 25

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