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Nirvana's Moderator Application

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Nirvana's Moderator Application Empty Nirvana's Moderator Application

Post  Nirvana Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:22 am

My nickname's Nirvana (16 years old) and this is my application.
I'm online approximately 4 to 5 hours a day.
The work i've done for the server so far is Mob Arena 2 and PvP Arena 2.
I know I didn't hit the 10 posts rule yet, but I'm sure Freek will forgive me. (I'm just too excited to post anything else)
I really fell in love with this server and I'm really eager to help people,vbuild more amazing buildings and get involved in as many projects on the server as I can.

Thank you.


Aantal berichten : 1
Registratiedatum : 2013-07-15

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